Monday, November 18, 2013

Chris Roberts straightens out the whole idea of Star citizen on consoles and PC's

here is a small quote from Chris Roberts Post:

As far as consoles go Star Citizen will never be on the PS3 or Xbox 360. As for the next gen consoles, PS4 and Xbox One, we have NO CURRENT PLANS, but my stance remains open and is consistent with the many interviews I’ve given -

IF the platform holders (Sony & Microsoft) allow us to update the code and data without restrictions and odious time consuming QC procedures, IF they allow our community to openly interact with each other across platforms then I would CONSIDER supporting them.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

New Android Phone

Today, Motorola introduced the Moto G. The Moto G is a mainstream android 4.3 smartphone with a 4.5" 720p display with a 1.2GHz quad core processor and 1GB of ram and only 3G connectivity. Best part is that it is $200 for the 16GB model with no contract.

Here is my source:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Android News

CyanogenMod now has an all in one installer on Android's Google Play store. CyanogenMod is basically a modified version of android for enthusiasts. They made Android builds for many different phones, so go check it out. These mods are done by the community for the community. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

T3Krant #3: Modern Internet Service Providers(ISP)

Just now,  I read on that comcast is putting a 300GB data cap on economy up to the performance packages.  350GB for Blast,  450GB for Extreme 50 and 600GB for Extreme 105. You are probably thinking it's not a big deal,  or that's plenty for me.  Well let me tell you,  comcast  is testing  the waters to see if people will accept the changes,  if they do,  they will tighten the reigns and lower the data caps, and the best part is that if you go over the cap,  they charge you $10 for an additional 50GB. I know it seems like a lot now,  but If you maxed your bandwidth all month on a 0.92 Mbps plan you would fill that 300GB! I'm also afraid that if we let this happen,  other issues will follow,  If you can try to switch to a different ISP.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

T3Krant #2

I wish that computer fans had 5pins ground, 5v, rpm sensor,  pwm,  and led power, thoughts?

Friday, November 8, 2013

T3Krant #1

I think Android browsers need to have all the plugins that windows browsers have. That would be awesome.

About Me

When I find the time,  I will re-theme the website

All you need to know about me:

I love technology and computers
I am a Senior in High School planning on majoring in Software Engineering
I have started to learn Android Development
I do my best to stay up to date in the world of Computer Technology(Mostly Hardware)
I find theoretical Science/Physics very interesting like space travel
My favorite TV Show is Stargate Atlantis
I am excited for the release of the game Star Citizen
I strive to be objective
last of all, I can be wrong, just like anyone else on the series of tubes that is the internet.

My favorite forum: